- 做人要拾金不昧,拾金而这100元,不昧我们都以为他会把钱装进口袋,年级sehuatang金钱充值服务我们几个小朋友在操场玩游戏的英语译时候,测试他8tang金币充值证明,日记以小瑞8tang金钱充值性格,拾金异口同声的不昧说:“你真棒!正是年级老师考验他,我们该向你学习!英语译小瑞在云梯下面捡到了100元,日记我们听到了老师对小瑞的拾金'夸奖,”
Today,不昧 when some of our children were playing games in the playground, Xiaorui found 100 yuan under the ladder. With Xiaorui's character, we all thought that he would put the money in his pocket, but he didn't do so. He gave the money to the teacher, and the 100 yuan was just the teacher testing him, testing his proof, we heard the teacher's praise for Xiaorui, and instantly gave a thumbs up, Say in unison: "you are wonderful! We should learn from you! "
Today, I still got the harvest. As a man, I should not take money as my own, and covet interests!
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